when i think about the life's that ruin out because of some facts that unhide so i can see clearly but i prefer to not to, i probably get all of shuffling things done. such as laugh at cooking pan, open then close then open the refrigerator again, say hello to the bathroom, immediately run and hide when stranger rings the doorbell, talk to some kind of mom's lotion, or about anything. I've tried to make anything done....wrong.
then these few days I've met some of clues that lead me to the conclusion. yes. i realize that life is a circle. yeah cliche you guys think but yeah why life is a circle? it giving me some clues that i connected with her, she connected to that man, that man connected to it, and i do like it, so..............
i know you don't understand. but i did. i'll try harder to find another clue then talk back to you.
thank you.